aiData Auto Map | High-Precision HD Map Generation
Map generatrion
Generate maps automatically from sensor-based road and lane detection in vehicles. Enrich maps with automatically detected traffic signs and traffic lights. AD/ADAS enabled vehicles can utilize the created maps to prepare for traffic upcoming situations sensors cannot yet detect with the on-board sensors.
Vehicle trajectories
Automatically generate common vehicle trajectories on the map from crowd-sourced ego and exo vehicle motion data. Enable vehicles to drive on localized human-like trajectories.
Up-to-date maps
Keep your maps up-to-date with new observations flowing in from vehicles on the road.
Use maps for simulation
Use the enriched maps for simulation of new functions and testing the robustness of OTA updates on real-world situations. Add the surrounding environment automatically with aiSim World Extractor for a photorealistic representation of complex environments. Enabling the real-time rendering of multi-sensor data from novel viewing positions or novel sensor setups.